Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mucus, Yeast Die-Off

Click on photos to enlarge.

Source: 3-year old SPD boy.

Style: Soft, mucusy.

Notes: This poop woke my son up this morning crying. It seemed like it was acidic or otherwise hurt his skin (he wanted a shower afterward). I was surprised by how "held together" this poop was, especially looking at how liquidy it was last night (see post immediately after this one or click HERE for last night's poop). What I wanted to show the rest of you about this poop is the amazing amount of mucus in it. I don't think I've seen this much mucus before in my son's poop. The first picture is what it looked like in the pull-up; the second is when I put it in the toilet (it floated, by the way). I am guessing (hoping) that this is yeast die-off due to what has been happening in the past day and the fact that I've been treating for yeast overgrowth.

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