Tuesday, July 15, 2008

High Dose Vitamin A Protocol

Click on photo to enlarge.

Source: 4-year old boy with PDD-NOS.

Style: Diarrhea.

Notes: Child struggles with yeast and parasites, but no bad bacteria. He has always since birth had exploding diarrhea but since starting Acetyl Carnitine the week before this picture, his poops were solid and formed but soft, so I think he was digesting his fats better. Today we started the High Dose Vitamin A protocol for gut measles and this is what we got - back to where we were. This poop is a darker brown with a tinge of dark green (something you would expect with bad bacteria) and it has some undigested raisins, a bunch of black flecks (which he always gets after eating anna's bread), and, in addition, you will see a bunch of orange flecks which is undigested CoQ-10 (no matter what we do he does not absorb CoQ-10). There are also strings in the poop, which I don't think is die-off because it is not the mucousy cheesy type strings; they are more like sewing thread strings. Whenever he has diarrhea he gets these strings but doesn't get them with his solid poops - hmmmmm. Now for this poop, it smells almost like cat vomit or sweet human vomit, which I attribute to the High Dose vit A because usually his poops, whether they are diarrhea or solid, smell of very strong metal.

Submitted by: Kristi

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