Saturday, June 21, 2008


click on photo to enlarge

Source: 3-year old SPD boy.

Style: First parts are formed but soft. Last part is mushy, unformed. I also saw black specs, white seed-like specs, some strings, and the pee looked oily.

Notes: Photo #1 is with the pee (note oily appearance and dark color of the pee). Photo #2 is after I dumped the pee out. This morning he all of a sudden started complaining that his penis hurt. We looked and couldn't find anything externally that looked "off" or different. It seemed to get worse and he was in a lot of pain. I was thinking maybe it was a urinary tract infection, but I called the pediatrician's office and they said it's very rare for a 3-year old boy to get a UTI. He was miserable. He wouldn't pee. He wouldn't get in the bath. Finally he fell asleep and slept for about an hour. When he woke up, he did this pee and poop. Once he was done with all this, he was back to normal.

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